(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello Charles,

there is a discussion in the Hiveseyes Community about the correlation between swarming and the scale readings.
The original post can be found here: https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/schwarme-2018/831/5
Good, no google translator: https://www.deepl.com/translator

The conclusion is: different hives behave different in preperation of a swarm. Some stop collecting nectar days before the swarm, others don't.


(0 replies, posted in Technical)

Hello everybody,

after testing the new assembled scale in the cold of the last days I got a consistend feedback of weight, even at -10°C. Great!
At this test the scale was just outside the wifi router and everything worked. Whenever I move the scale farer away, where my bees are, the wifi signal is weaker and the MCU hangs completely. It won't send a message nor react to config jumper anymore. It simply drains the batteries.

When I look into the firmware code I see is that it tries 10 times to get http code 200, when after 10 times not reached abort. But my feeling is right now that it freezes one step before that, whenever it tries to get a wifi connection.

The wifi.ino says

    while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) && ((millis() - wifiStart) < 20000))
      debug(String(WiFi.status()), true);

    if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
      debug("Wifi connection failed.... " + String(WiFi.status()));
      //RTCClearInterrupt(); // => switch OFF


    debug("Fin wifi start : " + String(WiFi.status()));

    File logfile = SPIFFS.open("/wifilog.txt", "a");
    logfile.println("Fin wifi start : " + String(WiFi.status()));

    unsigned long wifiConnected;
    wifiConnected = millis();


So I'm not quite shure how the smart thing handles the not succesful connection to a wifi SSID previously configured.

Thank you and greetings!


Hello everybody,

today I struggled to get my freshly built openhivescale connected to openhive Monitor.
After analyzing the chain it was a simple error I want to make everybody aware of:
I connected my android phone to config page and copy/pasted the URL "http://www.openhivescale.org/monitor/in … d={chipID}"

into URL field for Wifi connection. But the phone cutted everything after the "=" symbol. While copying out from google docs there might be a wrong space after the "=".
So please be aware of pasting the complete URL...

Have a good summer!
